Big surprise at Untold Festival 2023
The amazing surprise at Untold 2023 – Imagine Dragons are joining the line-up for an extraordinary performance
Imagine Dragons is coming to Romania for the first time, at the UNTOLD festival 2023! The organizers announced a premiere for our country and the first major live act for the 8th edition of UNTOLD, which will take place between August 3 and 6, 2023, in Cluj-Napoca. Imagine Dragons is one of the biggest pop rock bands in the world and one of the most loved bands on the entire globe. Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben McKee and Daniel Platzman founded Imagine Dragons in Nevada.
The first single released was “It’s Time”, followed by a first album considered iconic – “Night Vision”, released in 2012. The single “Believer” was the best-selling song of 2017 in the United States and entered the ranking of the best-selling songs of all time.
The songs “Thunder” and “Whatever It Takes”, included in the album “Evolve”, reached number 1 in the Billboard Hot Rock Songs, being the songs with the most consecutive weeks at the top of the American chart. Imagine Dragons means 10 years of successful career, a band that has provided memorable memories on live tours every time, with every song released, an impressive portfolio of awards and a huge fanbase in every corner of the world. This August, fans will be able to enjoy Imagine Dragons live at the UNTOLD festival 2023.
Pentru prima dată în România la Untold 2023, trupa Imagine Dragons va oferi un show de neuitat tuturor festivalierilor. Este o premieră pentry țara noastră și primul mare live act de pe scena festivalului. Trupa pop rock este extrem de cunoscută atât la noi cât și peste hotare, fiind înfințată în Nevada. Primele două single-uri “It’s Time” urmat de “Night Vision” au fost lansate în anul 2012, iar “Believer” în anul 2017, ajungând în topul celor mai bine vândute piese a tuturor timpurilor. Piesele “Thunder” și “Whatever It Takes” au fost incluse pe albumul Evolve. Vorbim așadar de peste 10 de succes, un portofoliu impresionant dar și o bază de date de fani din toate colțurile lumii.