Untold 2023 Day 1 – over 95.000 people
Over 95,000 fans from all over the world, the most renowned artists, top DJs, fantastic characters from a magical world, international acrobats, entertainers, and dancers celebrated together the first day of the UNTOLD festival. Thursday night was truly magical both for the fans and for the artists performing on the festival’s stages.
Embracing the magic of the first day
One of the most anticipated moments on the mai n stage was the live show of the artist from the United States, Bebe Rexha, one of the premieres offered by the creators of UNTOLD to the festival’s fans. Nominated three times for Grammy awards and admired for her powerful voice and originality in music, Bebe Rexha expressed her gratitude to the fans for the warm reception at Cluj Arena.
An opening ceremony to remember
The official opening ceremony offered the fans a special show by the DJ ranked 4th in the Top 100 DJ Mag, Alok. “The DJs are the final attraction of the UNTOLD festival, but the biggest attraction are the fans,” stated the Brazilian artist. With an energetic live set, Alok took the festival’s excitement to another level.
Topic performed for the first time at Cluj Arena and declared himself in love with the UNTOLD festival. The German DJ was amazed to see the enthusiasm of the fans and the vibe of the festival.
Another surprise for the fans was the romanian song included by Steve Aoki in his live set, the well known „Andrii Popa”.
Alchemy and Galaxy Stage gathered also the fans for some memorable live acts. Dedicated to trap, rap, dubstep and breakbeat, the Alchemy stage had some really cool artists performing on the first day like Spike, Borgore, Guess Who. On the Galaxy stage fans had the possibility to see Boris Brejcha, Amelie Lens and Amber Broos.
Peste 95.000 de fani veniți din toată lumea, cei mai cunoscuți artiști, DJ de top, personaje fantastice deprinse dintr-o lume magică, acrobați internaționali, animatori, dansatori au celebrat împreună prima zi a festivalului UNTOLD. Seara de joi a fost cu adevărat magică și pentru fani, dar și pentru artiștii ajunși la cele opt scene ale festivalului UNTOLD.
Unul dintre cele mai așteptate momente de pe mainstage a fost show-ul live al artistei din Statele Unite, Bebe Rexha, una dintre premierele oferite de creatorii UNTOLD fanilor festivalului. Ceremonia oficială de deschidere a oferit fanilor, un show special al DJ-ului care ocupă locul 4 în Top 100 DJ Mag, Alok.
Organizatorii UNTOLD au lansat oficial și posibilitatea de register pentru ediția 2024.
Text: IBMagazine, pics: Untold, IBMagazine