Untold Festival 2023: Spectacular lineup and a new concept
Line-up and a brand new concept
The anticipation is building as Untold Festival, one of Europe’s most prestigious music events, is gearing up for its highly anticipated 2023 edition. With a reputation for delivering an unparalleled experience, Untold Festival has become a magnet for music enthusiasts from all corners of the globe.
Thursday 3.08.2023
Untold Festival 2023’s opening day is expected to set the tone for a memorable weekend. Internationally renowned DJs Steve Aoki, Alok, Kshmr or Ava Max will kick off the main stage.
Friday 4.08.2023
The second day of the most beloved festival will bring some cool artists on the mainstage as well. The live act of Imagine Dragons is definitely one not to miss. Salvatore Ganacci, Tujamo and Alesso will round up the live acts on the mainstage.
Saturday 5.08.2023
On the third day of the festival the mainstage will host Martin Garrix, Eric Prydz, B Jones, Thievery Corporation. The untolders will have also the chance to experience other stages, a full lineup and schedule will be announced soon.
Sunday 6.08.2023
As the curtains draw near on Untold Festival 2023, the final day promises a unparalleled musical grandeur. David Guetta, Armin Van Buuren, Fedde Le Grand, Ferg, Years & Years will give an extraordinary show.
Discover the story of the radiant Phoenix
A vast realm of joy, spanning over 235,000 square meters, invites you to celebrate life like never before.
Magical sparkles render the gateway between the real world and the imaginary realm invisible, and once this sparkle ignites, we are all embraced by pure joy.
All those tiny particles transform into something spectacular: a vortex of lights, unique in their own way, continuously interacting to create something truly special: a PHOENIX in the most vibrant colors.
The Untold Festival 2023 will feature a variety of artists from different genres as well as headlining performances. To ensure a varied and interesting musical experience, attendants will have the chance to immerse themselves in the sounds of up-and-coming DJs, local performers, and developing artists throughout the event.
Anticiparea crește pe măsură ce Untold Festival, unul dintre cele mai prestigioase evenimente muzicale din Europa, se pregătește pentru ediția sa mult așteptată din 2023. Cu o reputație de a oferi o experiență de neegalat, Untold Festival a devenit un magnet pentru entuziaștii de muzică din toate colțurile lumii.
Ziua de deschidere a Untold Festival 2023 (joi 3.08.2023) este așteptată să stabilească tonul pentru un weekend memorabil. DJ-ii de renume internațional Steve Aoki, Alok, Kshmr sau Ava Max vor da startul pe scena principală.
A doua zi a festivalului (4.08.2023) mult iubit va aduce artiști cool pe scena principală. Actul live al trupei Imagine Dragons este cu siguranță unul pe care nu trebuie să-l ratați. Salvatore Ganacci, Tujamo și Alesso vor completa lineup-ul de pe scena principală.
Scena principală îi va găzdui în a treia zi pe Martin Garrix, Eric Prydz, B Jones și Thievery Corporation. Participanții la Untold vor avea, de asemenea, șansa de a experimenta și alte scene, iar o listă completă a artiștilor și un program vor fi anunțate în curând.